My computer processor is loud.?

Yes. The processor. Not the fan. Not the interference coming out of my nonexistent speakers.
How do I make my processor be quiet?


Favorite Answer

The only sound the processor (a chip about 2" on a side) would make would sound like frying eggs. That would mean that it had fried itself.


The processor itself does not make noise, as it is a solid-state product. A noise inside a computer system is from something mechanical. That means: fan, hard drive, optical drives, etc.

Most likely one of your fans has come off-balance, or is gummed up with something. If your hard drive is making the noise, it will likely need to be replaced as soon as possible.


Your processor making noise (like sound of ambulance sound)

Its heating problem

Your processor overheated

Clean your CPU fan and SMPS fan with Speed air blower

Change Heavy CPU fan


Open the computer case, and if the sound goes away, then it's something loose in the case. If the sound does not go away, start pressing on metal and plastic surfaces to see if you can find what makes the sound go away. Try the fans, and disk drives.


is it sorta like a grinding squeal? then it's probably dying, i would honestly think about getting a replacement