Don't you think this is Injustice with the ORDER OF PHOENIX ?

I mean, look, everyone except the Weasleys, Kingsley and some other one or two members survived the Second Wizarding War. But, the Death Eaters, most o them are living-the malfoys were seen alive at the end, crabbe and goyle SR. were never shown dead which means they were caught and sent to Azkaban. Many more Death eaters wee just Caught and trapped in prison while Rowling killed whole of the original Order. Lupin,tonks,dumbledore,snape,black,teddy and loads more. What's your opinion?


Favorite Answer

I would have been more annoyed had all the good guys lived and all the bad guys died. Rowling isn't living in the same ridiculous "glitter world" as Stephanie Meyer. It would have been a very shallow ending if, as well as defeating the evil side, hardly any good guys had died.
And also, as someone else said, we didn't actually know the names of all of the death eaters, so it could have been even.


Most of the guys on the good side who got offed in Rowling War II had names. The same can't be said for the Death Eaters.


you're reading too much Twilight.