SAHMs: What's it like on hubby's days off?

Do you take a little break from housework? Does he pitch in? Is it usually a go-out fun day or a kick-back-and-relax day?

Just curious how other families do it. My hubby usually helps me out one of his days off and relaxes the other, but I know others who go out and kind of celebrate every day off as a family, and other dads who go out and don't spend any extra time with their family on days off.


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I usually try to nix the house work and just hang out as a family. The every day stuff still gets done (meals, diaper changes, picking up toys) but for the most part, unless necessary, it's forgotten and we chill or go out as a family. From the way I see it, there will ALWAYS be work to do. But our kids won't be kids forever. I'm a neat freak, so it's hard to let go, but I find it has made me more of a relaxed person anyways.


I'm fortunate enough to have my hubby home with me mon-thurs. He works fri-sat for 12-14 hours per day, so when Monday rolls around he's ready to relax. Tuesday we usually go grocery shopping and run errands, and Wed we always take our little girl some place fun. Thursday is a relax at home day as hubby has to be in bed by 6pm to get up @ 2am for work on Friday. I usually take care of the house work while he plays with our daughter.


I generally do more housework than normal, since he is playing with the kids. We sometimes go and do things with family (both his parents and my parents live fairly close by). And then at least once during the weekend he goes and plays hockey, occasional I will leave the kids with the grandparents an go with him.

He hardly does any housework, but he does help with the kids quite a bit.

Penny Lane2010-11-05T08:22:50Z

His only day off is Sunday. He works a half day on Saturday, and we treat weekends as kick back and relax days as a family. On Sunday mornings he cooks breakfast, and it's nice to get a break from doing that.

Le Fae2010-11-05T06:58:45Z

We kind of do a mix all 3, but hubby doesn't go out without us. I am a SAHM, however I do work as an Advisor for lia sophia jewelry, so I do have a job but I work from my closet *lol*, that means I do fall behind on things like laundry. Hubby is good with helping, when I ask. Hehe, if I don't ask he would never think to help me, I swear he walks around with blinders on and just doesn't SEE what needs to be done!

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