What odds do you give Obama on becoming the one-term President he's said he wouldn't mind becoming?

BTW, for the uninformed among you, that was a statement by a pure & unadulterated ideologue. One that was going to "bring a new tone to Washington", mind you.


Favorite Answer

Obama has no chance at re-election. He lost the independent vote and with it, the country.


The Republicans are gonna shut down and gridlock government, for two years to try and make him a one term president. Not good.

Heck people will vote for him just to piss of the far right.

We the people will not be bullied twice.

Mike S2010-11-08T17:38:37Z

I don't give any odds. Betting on political outcomes is a hopeless cause, too many variables. Anything could happen. One can hope though that he does become a one term wonder. You have a good day now

Wounded Duck2010-11-08T17:52:52Z

Actually, the louder and more vitriolic the Right becomes, the better his chances. So keep on slingin'!


he will be defined by his opposition.

and the cons better come with better than literally everyone who is talked about today.

cons gonna run romney/palin?

obama will be a two term president.