If a movie came out called "Earth Science and Geology"...?

... would that section be filled with questions about whether the movie was true?


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Unfortunately it probably wouldn't. The vast majority of people would likely assume that all the information in the film was infallibly correct without question, even if the film was a work of fiction.
I am reminded of just such a documentary released by Disney when I was young called "White Wilderness" which taught us all valuable lessons, such as annual stampede of lemmings into the ocean. As it later turned out, the lemming story was just completely made up, and many of the scenes in the film were shot in a studio in Calgary with captive and domesticated animals. But to this day the lemming is used as a metaphoric symbol of blindly following the crowd to ones death.


It could be hard for me to doubt anything is true because I think I have the dreaded conformation bias disorder. My doctor couldn't find anything wrong with me, but the early symptoms of conformation bias are difficult to detect...

Thomas E2010-11-10T16:57:08Z

Probably, because the celluloid/ video representation of the subject is NOT the reality of the subject. Pardon me while my brain implodes...