Feeling pretty stressed about ACT/SAT?

I've taken the SAT twice and my best score is a 1240 (combined best score). I can't seem to do well on it. I'm not a lazy student and I honestly try my hardest. I have a 5.0 HPA, I'm taken plenty of AP classes throughout high school and passed them all. I'm also doing dual enrollment classes too, passing them easily. I haven't gotten a B in high school since freshman year, and I'm ranked 16 out of 700 something in my senior class.

All of my friends are getting like 1300s, 1400s, and even in the 1500s on their SATs. It's like I'm stuck behind and can't catch up. It's the weirdest thing, I've never struggled with something, and I'm severely stressed about it because it's extremely important when applying to colleges.

And yeah, I just got my ACT scores today. Not so great either, a freaking 26. I'm so good with math but basically nothing else, I got a 31.

Will my bad/not good enough scores truly affect whether or not I'll get into a college like UF? I'm really determined to attend there If I don't get in, I'll be devastated. And if it helps, I have a job, I'm the president of the French Honor Society, and members of basically every other society (National Honor, Math Honor, Science Honor societies), and I'm also on the Academic team.

I have everything EXCEPT the standardized tests...

Any reassuring advice or information about what admission officers look for? That would be great, thank you


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Well, a 1240 isn't that bad...it's actually pretty good, and a 26 on the ACT is pretty good as well...unfortunately neither are amazing. If you could get that 1240 into the 1300's and that 26 to a 28 or 30 that would really compliment your resume (which seems to be good already).

I would suggest taking an SAT and/or ACT prep course. They are lots of them out there, and most of them guarantee results. The one that comes to mind first is called ePrep. They are entirely online and relatively cheap, and I think they offer like a 200 point guarantee (which would put you in a great spot).

Remember, knowing how to take the SAT and ACT is really important, and taking SAT and ACT practice tests helps out a lot! Look into some courses. Good luck!


Sadly, test scores are HUGE when colleges look for students. I'd suggest that if you know the information, you might want to do some practice tests, purchase an SAT prep book with full previous tests, and when you study and do these tests, please do so in a testing environment. Practicing in a closed room with no distractions is SO much better than practicing the same test while distracted by other things, like your phone or computer or pets. Brush up on some study skills and I wish you the best!


Take the SAT or ACT (whichever college of Florida demands)...Do properly on them...and that i would be waiting to adequately say you will get in one hundred% (10 activities out of 10...Or nonetheless you may placed it). You sound committed. If for some reason you do wind up going to a set college which you will consistently seem at it from a distinctive attitude. Take English, math...the customary learn training on the gang college then circulate to college of Florida. you somewhat have not got something to tension approximately till the U of F genuine does care approximately your intense college and you're saying its between the main worst. Even then, your rank and GPA are properly suited that's a staggering accomplishment no rely what college you bypass to.


Those scores aren't that bad.