Which sort do you prefer for your private watchlist?

On the new Activity page, the watchlist is currently being sorted by the date a question was added to your watchlist. However, if we switch it to being sorted by the date a question was asked, we can make this area a lot quicker. Would you miss the old sort if we made this change?

We're also looking to add back in deleted questions to the watchlist, for those of you that are missing this!

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2010-11-10T08:20:41Z

Favorite Answer

Sorting by the date I added something works better, if slower, for me. I don't add many, but it is easier to remember that I added a question yesterday - than it is to remember that it was asked 6 months ago.

The return of the deleted questions is MUCH more important to me - thanks for listening to that request.

Pareidolon 6,o2010-11-10T20:08:46Z

Between the two I'd prefer to leave it as date added.

This sorting mode is in contrast to the starred questions list. Let's say I'm browsing from a non-personal use computer and I find a question from 2 years ago with an interesting answer that I want to read. I may decide to star the question, but it will then fall to the untold midsection of a long list. My choice is to add it to my private watchlist, which when I come back to my home computer will show it floating right at the top and easy to remember.

I also may be browsing a certain topic or for a certain purpose and want to save a bunch of questions in the same place. Again the watchlist (as is) allows me to clump up what I add to it.

I never noticed that deleted questions disappeared from the watchlist. I kind of liked this option, being able to see a question and go to the asker's profile even when it was deleted. However I never found a solid use for this. If I added every question I answer to the watchlist, I may find it useful to be able to see what questions have disappeared; however I've never personally bothered with this.

Of course, it would be neat to have multiple watchlists for different uses, possibly with different sorting options like our saved searches. But that's a bit of a different topic :)


In fact I wouldn't mind the change - I started this answer to say that I preferred the current "sort by date added to Watchlist" but come to think of it, the two dates are correlated in most cases.
For the few cases of older Qs that I add to my Watchlist, I think I'll use my browser's bookmarks ;-)


I would prefer to sort by the date that I added the Q to my watchlist, but wouldn't throw a hissy fit if it was sorted by the day the Q was asked, as these 2 dates would most likely be near to one another.

More importantly, I would LOVE a way to remove items from the list more easily (quicker).

I have no access at all to my watchlist at the moment, but I understand that it is easier to remove with the new and improved profile page. YAY!

And I would definitely welcome it if y'all added back the removed questions. I would prefer to remove those items myself (from my watchlist) as long as I can see that they have been removed from the site, but I sometimes want to wait and see if they are reinstated. Sometimes I put Q's in the watchlist and don't get back in time to answer (but still in time to vote on other answers) so It would be important for me to see if the Q was removed_or resolved. In any case I hope y'all put those back.


It doesn't really matter to me, since I don't often add questions to my watchlist, but it sounds like a good idea to me. It would be easier to find questions for those that add many questions ( Which could be me at one point ).

I defiantly want Deleted Questions to return to the watchlist though.

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