Fellow Catholics, do you understand that you can't pick and choose dogma?

There's a lot of teenage BS being passed around here. "I'm a Catholic but I believe..." "I believe everything but..." Out of curiosity, are young Catholics being taught that in order to be one of us, you have to accept everything in our defining dogma? Maybe Protestants can pick-and-choose which aspects of their religion they accept, but we can't. You're either in our out. No cherrypicking.
Anyhow, this is the one time where undereducated Catholics are welcome to voice their opinion.


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Yes, I do.

I answer a lot of questions about the dangers of being a cafeteria Catholic.

There are Catholics in full communion with the Pope and the Catholic Church and there are "cafeteria Catholics" who pick and choose what they want to believe and practice. A couple of examples are "Catholics" who are pro-abortion and "Catholics" who refuse to accept the teachings of Vatican II.

The term "Cafeteria Christians" refers to people who view Christianity like a cafeteria where one picks and chooses only those beliefs that appeal to them and reject a genuine interpretation of Christian doctrine and the teachings of Jesus.

The term "Cafeteria Catholics" is similar. It is used to describe people who dissent from certain teachings of the Catholic Church while maintaining an outward identity as Catholics.

In Los Angeles in 1987, Pope John Paul II said: "It is sometimes claimed that dissent from the magisterium is totally compatible with being a "good Catholic," and poses no obstacle to the reception of the Sacraments. This is a grave error that challenges the teaching of the Bishops in the United States and elsewhere."

Heresy is the obstinate denial after Baptism of a truth which must be believed with divine and Catholic faith.

"Cafeteria Catholics" in denial of certain truths are in danger of committing heresy.

With love in Christ.


I was born into Catholicism as is many who say I believe all but...

In reality there was only a few things that really kept me from believing and those are purgatory, priest confessionals, idol worship(praying to dead saints and a rosary) and salvation by works.

I am now a Fundamental Baptist, All though I wonder if I am still listed as a member of the Catholic church in Germany.


I accept and firmly believe the teachings of the Church. I can do this and still lament the lack of female clergy.

I can do this and hope for the rehabilitation of whats-it-called that Marxist/Justice theology. I need not practice as a rehabilitated LeFevrite practices Catholicism.

Pastor Art (((SFECU)))

You, my friend, are what is wrong with the Roman Catholic Church.

Along with your man made "dogma".

Fellow Christians, do you understand that you can't pick and choose which parts of the Bible to follow and which parts to ignore? The Bible says:

2 Timothy 3:16 (New International Version)
16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

How do you call yourself a follower of Christ when you ignore major portions of what He taught?

Oh yes, you don't call yourself a follower of Christ, you call yourself a follower of Rome.


i'm Protestant. the only issues you indexed which I accept as true with are: a million. Taking communion - Jesus asked us to "try this in remembrance of me." this is not in basic terms a ritual, this is to remind us of Jesus' sacrifice and honor it. 2. The trinity - "interior the start replaced into the be conscious and the be conscious replaced into with God and the be conscious replaced into God...and the be conscious became flesh and dwelled between adult adult males." The trinity is definitely a valid doctrinal subject. some do not take it actually by way of fact us, as people, in basic terms see issues from our attitude. this is complicated for some human beings to appreciate that God is the father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus replaced into very clean in holding himself to be equivalent to God. there is definitely no information interior the Bible for limbo, clergymen ought to proceed to be virgins, or the pope.

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