Three week old weight?

My daughter is 3 1/2 weeks old. She was 7lb 2oz at birth and today at the doctor, weighed 9lb 2oz. She is breastfed. Is this a normal weight gain? How much did your baby gain by this age?
Just curious!


Favorite Answer

My baby boy was 8 lbs 3 oz at birth and at his one month check up he was 13 lbs. My friends baby is 4 months and only weighs 12 lbs but is very healthy. All babies are different. The doctor would have told you if it wasn't normal.


Very normal. While it's a bit higher gain than 'average', it's well within the normal range. Some babies do gain very rapidly in the early weeks/months, and then slow down a lot later.

(FWIW, the 'average' baby loses some weight at first, gets back to birthweight at 2 weeks, and then averages about 2 pounds a month for the first 4-6 months. But again, some babies gain faster and some more slowly.)


Oh yea completely normal. My baby girl was 8 11 when born and now shes 10 lb. And I breastfed her as well. Its good to be gain weight.


Yes that is perfectly normal. When babies are born they lose weight from not getting the nutrition the mother do but they gain it back and as long as they are over their birth weight at their check up then everything is fine. Enjoy your baby, they don't stay that way long.


Congrats! My son weighed 9lbs 12oz at his 4 week appt & was born at 7lbs. Yes it very normal & healthy weight gain.

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