What is your NaNoWriMo novel about?

I'm involved in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) this year, and I was wondering if anyone else who visits Yahoo! Answers was as well. If so, what is your novel about? Also, how is the writing going?


To answer DearAmy's question. I'm co-authoring mine with a friend. It's called "The Pharaoh", and it's an ancient Egyptian retelling of Beauty and the Beast. You can read about my plot on my blog: http://greaterthanknowledge.wordpress.com/2010/11/11/nanowrimo-day-10-the-plot-of-the-pharaoh/


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Here's my synopsis: Eden, a young girl of 16, is fed up with the ways of the Elders. She wants nothing more than to roam free and be with the spirits in the springs. They seem to like her well enough. But when she gets sent to the fields of banishment by the Elders for something she didn't do, her world turns upside down as she has to figure out a way to save both her tribe and the tribe of her enemies.

It's going slowly. I'm majorly behind and really shouldn't be answering questions. Lol, but I am soo stuck in my writing!
Kind of making me anxious because I want to catch up!

Paige Cee2010-11-11T15:39:11Z

My NaNoWriMo novel is about obsession and how poisonous it can be. When the antagonist Flint and the main character Natale meet, the former becomes obsessed with the latter partly because of how much she resembles his late lover. He has a power that can make his will happen if he wants it badly enough and after he uses that power to send one of Natale's friends into a coma, Flint threatens to kill the friend unless Natale will be with him. Flint's obsession ruins Natale's and Flint's lives forever and alters the lives of the people around them, just as it would in real life. So far, I'm at 14,000 words. I meant to spend today catching up on my word count, but it didn't work out that way. Family time was more important.

HP Wombat2010-11-11T21:14:05Z

Mine's about a 10 year old superhero. I love that I'm doing a kid's book - so much more fun than YA or adult fiction!

The writing is going fabulously. I'm at about 17,500 words, which is a bit more than 1,000 words behind, but with the weekend ahead, I should be good to catch back up. I adore my story. I've been sharing it with friends and family, and they practically can't wait to read more. When they say "I want to see more!" I'm like "you and me both!" It's great having that kind of motivation.


My story is a mystery that takes place in a post-apocolyptic world.

The writing is going good, but I seem to be struggling to balance my school work and NaNo, but hopefully this weekend I can get a head of the game!

What about you?


Your ex husband/spouse which you possibly share a new child with so their on your existence. Grand mothers and dads Your old instructor An ex terrific pal which you particularly desire to reconnect with An ex love which you nevertheless love

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