Oil problems on my minivan?

The oil light on my cars is on. It's a 1996 Ford Windstar 3.8 liter. Anyways, I know something's up with my car I just don't know what. As I said, the oil light is on, but when I check the oil it's at the proper levels.

Now, when it runs, it makes a very audible sound kinda like a belt flapping (no it's not a loose belt) that comes from where the engine is. It's like the oil is just not running through the system. I know that's not the most descriptive thing when it comes to what the problem is, but I wonder if anyone would have any ideas on what I should do.

I've been told that a new air filter would fix it up so I'll try that since I need a new one anyway, but I was also thinking maybe the oil pump was out.

So yeah, any suggestions on what I should do? Preferably I'd like it if it's something I could do at my house, but I'll take it in to a mechanic if need to be.


Favorite Answer

If you have low oil you can sometimes hear the camshaft bits doing their thing. Since you said you have plenty of oil it could be your oil pump. Also be aware of your timing belt, that could be flapping around inside its housing.


You will need an oil pressure gauge (cheap) and when you test the
oil pressure, start the vehicle cold and let it warm up and watch the
oil pressure.. if it drops below 20-25psi at an idle you will be in need
of some major repairs (depending on the actual cause)

military supporter2010-11-15T12:54:00Z

Three things cause the oil light to come on. Low oil level, thin oil, low or no oil pressure. I'm guessing blown oil pump.


it could be a sensor. but if you can, have a mechanic check it out. he will tell you if you need a oil pump.


It may be couse that your wiring short or may be oil pump noise.