Why isn't the Obama Administration going to bring Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to trial, civilian or military?

Obama promised to bring Gitmo detainees to trial in civilian courts but it now seems that the top guy isn't going to be tried anywhere. Is the plan to just leave him in Gitmo to ponder the error of his ways?


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A holdover from the muddled Bush Administration policy of "if you can't figure out what to do - leave for the next guy". We didn't and we don't have laws and/or protocols for what to do with many of those on Guantanamo.

Bush really should have at least seen to it when they were arrested or detained or whatever the hell it was that we got new laws enacted that would cover those terrorists. The United States,( not Obama,) hasn't got laws determining what is to be done with people like him.


I think he will be tried in New York sometime in the near future. Although due to the effects of waterboarding he would admit to anything now, even being Big Bird's little brother.