Things to do in Guatemala City or close to Guatemala City?
Ok, I have been to Guatemala City many times and feel like I have seen everything in and around the area... at least all the major stuff that you can find easily on any travel site. So outside of the obvious stuff (Palace, market, malls, Antigua, Tikal, Chichicastanego, Panajachel, Volcanos....) what can I see or do?
I don't mind a little adventure and I will have a car... Ideas?
Not Chef Ryan2010-11-16T21:38:41Z
Favorite Answer
Outside what you answered you can visit Semuc Champey which has a caving tour and whitewater rafting nearby, Livingston is a very interesting town on the Caribbean side of the country. No roads access the town, only boats. Guatemala City also has the relief map and botanical gardens which are interesting. The beaches on Monterrico are nice and sail fishing in Puerto San Jose is top notch. Quetzaltenango or Xela is the second biggest city in Guatemala. It's an awfully fun place to go. Reu has a huge water park just outside the city and it's a lot of fun. You could also consider a day trip to El Salvador. It's not far away. There are endless things to do in country.
all depends on what you like to do, but let´s say you like outdoors and you have a car, there are several things to do from horse riding in Antigua, to canopy in Calderas lagoon and surfing in Rancho Carrillo that´s about 1 hour and a half driving from guatemala City and/or if you like extreme activities, there is a couple of amusement Parks in Guatemala City, one is Extreme Park is in the way to Boca del Monte, about 15 mins driving from Guatemala City and they have several very awesome atractions and/oir go to IRTRA Petapa, that´s a 10 mins driving from downtown and they have nice atractions such as rollercoasters and fancy things, both are unexpensive and kind of new