What to do...What to do?
No, seriously...I'm bored. Any suggestions? ;)
No, seriously...I'm bored. Any suggestions? ;)
Favorite Answer
Do my physics homework for me? :)
What hobbies or interests do you have? Dive into them instead of being a couch potato or letting boredom win you over. Ever try writing? It can be easy, just write an outline then fill it in. Now if I can just stick to the outline and not add characters. But that's me, that's one of the fun things in writing.
Think of a better question and then read all the responses. By the time you do that and pick a best answer, you shouldn't be bored.
Hit the nearest pub without a bra and order 4 shots of whiskey to start.
You won't have to worry about boredom for the rest of the evening, I assure you.
Jareth's Trousers
I'm bored, and I'm here. So, really I guess I'm of no help to you. Sorry.