Can I Reborn/Call a GB Heraklinos if I successfully contact fusion first?
I used call of the haunted to get back a gyzarus and someone said I couldn't do that, cuz I could only bring it out by contact fusion.
I used call of the haunted to get back a gyzarus and someone said I couldn't do that, cuz I could only bring it out by contact fusion.
↗半身第1↙ Key
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You can.
Gyzarus is a "special summon only" monster, which means if it's summoned properly first, you can special summon it later on with Monster Reborn, etc.
Also, I do believe that ALL contact fusion monsters are "special summon only" monsters, which means as long as any of them are properly summoned first, you can special summon them again
How do you tell the difference?
Nomi: "This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned EXCEPT...." <-- this type of monster cannot be special summoned in any way other than the one listed on the card text
Special Summon only: "This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can ONLY be Special Summoned by ...." <--- As mentioned above
Yes, you can.
It's a semi-nomi monster, it says "Special Summon only", all cards like that can be Special Summoned with other cards from the graveyard if they were properly summoned first. Nomi monsters that say "Special Summon except by" or something like that can't be Special Summoned in any other way than the way stated in the card text.
black winged dragon
yes you can.on the card, it is written:this card can only be special summoned FROM YOUR EXTRA DECK by returning the above cards back to the deck.
its the only way to get it from your extra deck but you can get it anyway else once its out like with reborn or call of haunted.