Why do people have to intrude on other people's relationships?

I reconnected with an old friend and now we are dating as of today. Out of the blue one of our friends is telling me that she is a whore and that she will use me, ect. Our so called "friend" is also a massive skank and sleeps with everything she sees, which makes her a huge hypocrite Now everyone has their past, I do and so does my now girlfriend. But why the **** do people think its their right to intrude on another person's relationship and tell me or her what to do? I just wanna hear some comments, I'd love to here if this or something similar happened to you. And as I said before, what people did in the past is the past. Its not my business to dwell on it.


Favorite Answer

Something similar happened to me years ago. I told one guy that I was dating another guy, and he told me that my guy had gone to the doctor, and then he started clapping (inferring that my guy had gonorrhea). I didn’t know if that was true, but I didn’t want to take any chances and I stopped dating him; I found out later that the first guy liked me.


some are just jealous while other want to control other people's live and make them conform to their ideas of how to live life.
you will be much better off to not talk about people and their actions as well as not listening to what is said about others too. there may be no truth in what is being said.

live your life as YOU want to live it and you will be happier in the long run