Need tips for a pinto bean stew in the crockpot?

I also would like to include some lentils, and also some barley as a starch. I bought some carrots/celery/ potatoes. I want to throw all this into the crockpot, so it's ready when I come home. My aunt told me to put a ham hock in it for flavor, but I would prefer to keep it vegetarian. I have worcestershire sauce, and tomato paste.

I would appreciate some tips on spices/ sauces to add for this, and if I should yield the lentils and barley until the last 30 minutes of the cycle, or should I add them along with the beans in the morning? Please be patient with me; I don't cook much (I survive on sandwiches and salads mostly!) and am trying to learn what I can along the way :)


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Slow-cookers were developed from the old-fashioned bean pot your grandmother used.
The problem with mixing lentils with pinto beans is their different cooking times.
Barley should only go in for the last 30 minutes, it'll get too mushy.
Dried beans should be soaked overnight, then rinsed the next morning.
Diced up your vegetables pretty small, they will dissappear into the stock.
So will the lentils, if you put them in all day.
A ham hock or smoked turkey leg, or strip of bacon fat, is traditional.
Try garlic & onions, with perhaps 1/4 tsp of allspice.


Maybe add some shallots, onion powder and a little chili powder with a dash of nutmeg and a fresh ginger root. This will give it a full flavor.

Good luck
