Can I use canned pumpkin instead of pumpkin carved fresh?

I found a recipe which sounds intriguing, but it calls for freshly carved pumpkin flesh. The exact working is "two pounds seeded and peeled pumpkin, diced." Is there a canned pumpkin substitute I can use? I'm not that confident when it comes to carving pumpkins.



Favorite Answer

If the recipe calls for you to cook the pumpkin first...then, by all means, you can use canned pumpkin. There's really no way to improve on the recipe by being a martyr and cooking the pumpkin yourself. Just use canned pumpkin, and not pumpkin pie the label.
Good luck!


Pumpkins for cooking are special types called sugar pumpkins. Finding one of those is next to impossible. Regular pumpkins are lacking just that the softness and sweetness. I always use canned unless by some miracle the market has the sugar pumpkin. 2 cans will - 32 oz diced.


I watched a Paula Deen episode today on the Food Network that addressed this issue. Paula Deen uses canned pumpkin in her recipes instead of fresh. If that's good enough for her then it's good enough for me too! She said that canned pumpkin from the grocery store works fine.


Yes canned is actually better, just adjust for liquid. Fresh pumpkin can be very wet and Im not sure how 2 cups of raw equates to the more concentrated dryer canned, you might want to add milk or water to the cup of canned