Does Chinese Write From Left-Right?

Does it?

Baobao Bear2010-11-29T19:25:41Z

Favorite Answer

Yes and No, it depends on which one you are learning. The general rule of Chinese character writing is to start from top to bottom, then left to right.

Take a look here. This is the stroke steps for each Chinese character. Published by the Minister of Education of Republic of China (Taiwan)

If you are writing an essay, or a book, in tradition you will writing your first character on the upper right corner of the page, then going down and starting another column on the left until you fill up the page with many columns of sentences and paragraphs. In modern days, some authors adopted the English reading habit, starting their first character from the upper left corner, making rows of sentences from left to right,


Greek and latin is written from left to right. European languages are mainly derivatives of greek and latin which is why they all write from left to right. The english language is made up of between 20-30% greek words.


Before: No
Now: Yes


nope. right-to-left or top-to-bottom. I took Chinese for three years :P