What do you think of this blog about a polyamorous relationship (group relationship)?



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It's fine as a diary for yourself. I wouldn't read it regularly. It seems kind of presumptuous to assume people who don't know you would take an interest in your personal life, feelings, and how you got to this point. I'd be interested in your experiences coming out and how people you know react to it; what your experiences are outside of your feelings about your partners.

Take this next part as constructive criticism. The writing is too formal and not especially grabbing. Put yourself in the place of the reader and think what does a stranger hear as he/she reads it. What is your purpose in writing it? A personal account and narrative, or educating the reader? It seems like a personal account, but you have to make it interesting to the reader, not necessarily you, if you want others to keep an interest. One specific suggestion: just make up common fake names for your partners. Calling them Aphrodite and Eros is cliche. Keep the writing style like everyday speech. It makes for a more interesting blog in general.

Anyway, this is just my opinions and reaction to reading it. If you feel good about it, by all means keep writing it as is. Whether others read your blog or share your feelings about it don't really matter if it's something you're doing for yourself.