Is there really any reason for the government to keep funding a failing Postal service?

At one time it was necessary to have it to communicate in this country, now with emails and several successful private carriers, why does the government need to be involved? UPS already does mail to a degree, fed ex probably does too. Why not let companies like this emply people to deliver ALL the mail in this country and let them hire people from the proivate sector to do the job the US government is blowing a ton of money on.


Since its reorganization into an independent organization, the USPS has become self-sufficient and has not directly received taxpayer-dollars since the early 1980s with the minor exception of subsidies for costs associated with the disabled and overseas voters. However, it is currently borrowing money from the U.S. Treasury to pay its deficits.[3] The decline of mail volume, due to the increased usage of email, has forced the postal service to look to other sources of revenue while cutting costs to maintain this financial balance.[4].

It may be independent but it is borrowing money from the US TREASURY to even operate. Might as well say its a government liability


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Eliminate saturday delivery and voila! budgets are balanced.


The government does not fund the Postal Service, nor has it since 1973 when it became an independent agency. You and I do by what we pay for mail delivery services. And, yes, the Postal Service is still a vital part of our country. And UPS and Fedex do not provide universal delivery as does the Postal Service. It may be cheaper for some people to have mail delivered by private businesses, but the cost to a large segment of our country would skyrocket. It's not time to abolish USPS yet.


The lowest cost to mail a letter via UPS is $4.84.

Are you willing to pay that amount for EVERY letter you send?

Companies would have to charge you extra to send a bill to your home!

Then there are the legal ramifications!


American Postal Workers Union or APWU, the world's largest postal union.