How much money could the U.S. make from legalizing and taxing marijuana?
More people die from cigarettes and alcohol than marijuana and they are legal so why not legalize marijuana, make a ton of money, fix the overpopulation of prisons and lessen the work of law enforcement for a drug that is far less dangerous than alcohol? I do think however it would require the same laws as alcohol when it comes to driving and what not.
Uncle Pennybags2010-12-03T11:14:18Z
Favorite Answer
I did an analysis of this about a year ago. I found out how much was collected in cigaratte taxes each year, and assumed a similar tax on marijuana, and then projected sales of 30% of current cigarette sales.
Bottom line, it didn't amount to much in the grand scheme of things. Just 7 or 8 billion nationwide if I remember right.
The real benefits come from cost savings by ending the war on marijuana. We'd see decreased law enforcement costs, court costs, and decreasing prison populations.
I think enough could be made to wipe out the deficit if it's done right. There are a lot of people who don't want it legalized, though. Namely, the paper industry. They make more money cutting down trees than they would if hemp was legal, so they would rather cut down our forests than look into hemp being a more feasible way to make paper and such. You're right. It's way less harmful than cigarettes and alcohol, yet those are legal.
alot i think it should be legal to anyone that is willing to get a license for it and have a clean record. need to keep tabs on the drug dealers!! No street sales