What is the most effective bark control for dogs?

My Beagle mix is still having one behavior issue I haven't addressed yet. She barks when she is in her pen and I am around. It's not such a problem when I am coming in or out, but in the evening before I bring her in for the night, if she sees or hears me in the house, she will bark almost non-stop. I have been careful to avoid rewarding the behavior, but I think I will need to resort to bark control training. What products have you used, and which seems to be the most effective method. Thanks!


Favorite Answer

Consider getting a mannersminder. It is a remote controlled treat device that can be used at a distance so you could reward her for not barking in her pen without having to be out there.


The owner of the dog needs to know how to "operate" the dog, same way you can get into a car that's in perfect running order but if you don't know how to drive you won't have much luck making the car go anywhere. If the owner doesn't know how to maintain the training, the dog will soon become untrained again. Read more here https://tr.im/ompaT

People seem to think that once a dog is trained, that's it. Not true. You must reinforce the dog's training every single day in some way. It's best if the owner and the dog go together to get trained. As a professional trainer once said to me "We can train any dog in 2 days. It takes longer to train the owners


My beagle mix was trained with a clicker to not bark and start the dreaded beagle bay. When she started the sound I would catch her attention and click and treat. She learned quickly that she was rewarded for silence. My beagle was excessively easy to train. I have never had a dog as willing and smart as her, so this method may work or may not. My brother ended up getting a shock collar for his terrier mix because he would never hush up and that fixed Leo right up. Just make sure the dog doesn't wear it 24/7.

julie i2010-12-03T18:41:11Z

I have two min pins and they used to bark like crazy at anything. Then I got one of those bark boxes that emit a high pitched noise when the animal barks, it's called a Bark Off. I had little hope but it really works. I even take it out side when the dogs next door go off and it works for them too!


I agree. The clicker is known to work, and if you don't want/have a clicker, another way is to use something (box of rocks) to get the dogs attention and when it looks tell them good job. but don't show ANY attention and when you get home just ignore it so it won't go crazy to see you. and stay calm. if you are calm, your dog most likely will be.

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