Question about Filipino culture?

the few times i have been told to stop asking so many questions, it was by filipinos (my boss and also classmates). so, is there some sort of taboo against questions, or is it a coincidence?
p.s. i'm re-posting this question in a different category in the hopes of getting some answers.


i think there may be some misunderstanding. i wasn't asking these people about the phillipnes or their culture, i was asking my boss work-related questions and i was asking my teacher class-related questions. my job has a high turn-over and i've had about 8 bosses. they were mostly white and hispanic and the only one who had a problem with my questions was filipino. in my class, there were also whites and hispanics, but the only people in my class who said anything about my questions were filipino. so u must be able to see where i would start to draw a parallel. and as for asking too many questions being annoying, then why aren't the people of other ethnicities complaining as well? as for being lazy and not doing my research, i didn't know how else to research this question. while ur little history lesson was interesting, it was not terribly informative in the area i was wondering about (in reference to one specific answer).


Favorite Answer

Asking questions leads to knowledge. Knowledge is power.

The Philippines continues to be run by people who suppress knowledge to remain in power.

In conclusion: It's part of its culture of failure. Welcome to the Philippines.


I apparently hit a nerve with you which is good. If you want to find out more about the our culture, start by reading how bad the Veterans Administration treated our grand fathers and so on that helped Americans during WW II - We were denied both our U. S. Citizenship rights as well as benefits.

Many war U.S. - Filipino war veterans from WW II died without medical treatment and acknowledgment from the Country that is suppose to help us. After the Spanish American War, our country was used to dispatched leprosy patients from the U.S. to us to die - which affected many of us.

We were known by the United States as our "Brown Brothers." Our country was raped when it was decided that Philippines was the best military base to prevent what the Japanese had done in turn created a U.S. / Filipino Class Faction that is extremely apparent today - everything done to our countrymen is done in the States - the only difference is credit card.

We were used as experiments and many American come to our country to molest children and rape our women -- for a few dollars --direct cause of President Truman.

We were invaded by the French, Spanish, Norms, Japanese, Americans and financially debased by the Chinese buying funeral based homes that are more elaborate then the housing given to the Squatters.

So, when I say Lazy - I say it with complete disgust because you probably know the words to "Win Na Win."

Funny how you use the term history without understanding what the term means - as for a lesson, you give me too much credit. I am not giving you a lesson at all - I am simply stating how disappointed I am that you could not even conjure up a contradiction that clearly indicates that you have now been exploited by American capitalism and vindication that Manny Pacquiao is the only true leader of our nation. Thank you Philippines Jurisdiction

World English Dictionary
cultural (ˈkʌltʃərəl) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]

— adj
1. of or relating to artistic or social pursuits or events considered to be valuable or enlightened
2. of or relating to a culture or civilization
3. (of certain varieties of plant) obtained by specialized breeding

I am saddened by your question and how others in the forum responded. You may elect to report me, but understand in doing so, you just met someone that deeply loves his Country.

My brother was killed protecting our country.


It depends on where you ask the question i find that in the PH people love to answer question as long as it is not about subject that make them feel you are bashing them, But in USA Filipinos keep PH a secret, I think many are ashamed of the things many people do in the Ph, sex tourist, scammers, violence, things like prostitution, sex trade, young Filipino dating old men for money, things like this is normal in the PH but not in the rest of the Industrial countries. When they get out of the Ph they see that all that is not normal so they keep it quiet thinking that people are thinking they are like that, or been in these situation. So not explaining is best. even if nothing bad has happen to them.


It's not taboo. It's annoying. Do it with other non-Filipino friend of yours and observe if their reactions are the same with Filipinos.

I am a Filipino and if someone asks me too much then i always try to make him/her shut up and give me a break.


Maybe it is you & the way you ask so many questions. It is not a coincidence.

Way to go "Ya its me". I gave you a thumbs up.

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