Need reference information on military dating scam?

A friend is about to be scammed by the all-too-well-known military dating scam. It's a simple scam, where a soldier ostensibly in Afghanistan or Iraq starts chatting with some lonely, vulnerable woman and eventually asks for money to allow him to call her or something similar.

Unfortunately, she doesn't believe me when I say it's a scam, so I'm looking for official or other trustworthy web sites that explain that it really is. Does anyone have some links I can point her at?


Favorite Answer

This is the best site you will find, we have numerous examples of Military personel scams.

Good luck, post in here

if you want more help

John Delaney


Hang on, I thought troops got free phone calls! Its a grade 1 scam, for sure. But sorry dont have anything offical to back it up


The truth is....Why would anyone send anyone else money or call if it cost them money. Kinda foolish.