physics problem please help?

a typical student weighs 725N and wears shoes that touch the ground over an area of 412 cm*squared. What is the average pressure his shoes exert on the ground?


John thank you for the help but
412 (cubic centimeters) = 0.000412 cubic meters

725N / 0.000412 cubic meters =
1759708.738 N/m^2 is what I got. I hope that is right. I appreciate the help greatly!!


Nevermind I'm totally confusing cubic centimeters with squared centimeters, man I need sleep. thank you again john


Favorite Answer

pressure is force divided by area

convert the area from cm^2 to m^2
A = 0.0412 m^2

F = 725 N

P = F/A = 725/0.0412 = 17597.1 N/m^2