how can i slow bleeding without putting pressure?

long story short but i had my lobes cut with a scalpel in order to stretch parts of my lobe that were not being stretched normally, the part that is cut is covered with jewelry therefore i can not put direct pressure on it to stop the bleeding. is there anything i can do that will suppress the bleeding a bit?

by the way i'm not interested in any bigots answering this thanks


bleeding has been going on for 2 days straight, i expected this but it's quite a bit. and it really wasn't too bad heh


Favorite Answer

Applying ice or a cold pack will cause the blood vessel to shrink, which should reduce the bleeding. The cut should clot eventually. How long has the bleeding occurred?
Best of luck with this.


Ice will help...and that sounds extremely painful to go through.




Yes, ice or cold water.


spider webs are a good coagulant.