On Y&R did anyone else think they have made unrealistic legal decisions like letting Daisy out of jail?

Daisy was caught & jailed with no bail for kidnapping ( 2 people) , assisting with attempted murder, threats with a gun, and assault & battery. Probably other charges too, so " no bail" is logical for a judge to rule. Then because she developed bleeding with placenta previa the judge lets her out into Phyllis's care (she's not a nurse, thank God) with just an ankle monitor & bail. This is totally wrong. Phyllis leaves her with no guard & today while Daisy is alone, her door is unlocked & she just calls out from the couch "Come in". Of course she's supposed to be on bed rest like that would stop her from walking out the door if someone could cut the monitor off or disarm if. In the prison system ( I worked in one for years) there are medical units including the section where the prisoners come to see the doctor for sick call & a hospital wing with 20 - 30 beds (depending on the size of the prison) for in patients, where prisoners can stay under an RN supervision 24 hours a day. Daisy could have been sent to the prison hospital wing, with a nurse & correction officer, under guard. If she started to bleed she would have been sent to the hospital for surgery or delivery immediately with no chance of escape. Instead she's alone & if something happens to her she also has no phone & could bleed to death. Or go into labor & lose the baby with no one to help her. It makes no sense logically to leave her alone since the reason she was let out was because her pregnancy was in danger & she needed supervision which a prison hospital would give her. Y&R should check their facts for they either didn't or feel their viewers wouldn't know about prisons & how they work. Also it is just plain stupid too to leave her alone. By the way, prisoners watch soap operas too.Although their favorite show is "America's Most Wanted" they watch Y&R because so many people go to jail in it.


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Really, with those smarts you need to move to Hollywood and write for the them! I couldn't agree more! Once again a completely stupidly unrealistic story line that loyal fans have to try to digest. I moved from indigestion to all out nausea when they wrote in the part where Daisy can now move to ANOTHER apartment in ANOTHER part of town WITHOUT a court order or reprocusssions of breaking the terms of the court order. Hasn't Daniel gone to jail for something? I do remember the bars and him doing the funny tough guy act. So how come he is ssuddenly in charge of such a dangerous convict and in the position of supervising her. I think they should just put her in a jail bed and then have a c-section. And why is Daniel not charging her with RAPE ---HELLO! Geepers...


Well it's a soap not reality so they do whatever makes the story interesting. Besides there is a guard outside the door at all times, I've seen him a couple times already. Oh and I did know all this already, since my mom has been to prison two times.


Yes it makes no sense. I think there is supposed to be a guard at the door or something but her not having easy access to a phone in her condition is really pushing the line. I think they have done it so Daniel will spend more time around her and come to his senses, but that's lame too.


Well, most of us know the REAL story of having babies in prison, and NO this particular segment DOES NOT follow with any state or federal law. It's just a soap! And if we probably wait a week, the TRUE Daisy will surface, GUARANTEEDED!!!!

lorie v2010-12-09T00:13:18Z

I don't think that would happen in real life come on it makes no sense they would have put her in the hospital for the babies sake with guards 24/7 , so the story line is really unrealistic!

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