Question for non-Catholic Christians - is it a sin in your faith to skip church for no good reason on Sunday?

In the Catholic faith, it is a serious sin to intentionally skip Mass on Sunday without a good reason.

Is this true at the church you go to?


Favorite Answer

Hi Sldgman,

Yes, we believe that we ought not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, and that it is contrary to God's will to violate this (Heb. 10:25).


Joel C


None in besides. Sunday observance is in accordance to 2 person-friendly historic data, some worship then to honour the resurrection of Christ. some worship sunday to honor a time at the same time as pagans and Christians somewhat tried to study each and each others beliefs and locate hardship-free floor. Sunday change into the day positioned aside to honour the solar God it is component to Gods introduction notwithstanding the Catholic church does declare responsibility for this. the ten commandments say to positioned no different gods earlier the great i'm. they don't say that is faulty to well known different gods or different societies. maximum religions have one splendid God as Christianity does. we favor to comprehend one yet another and stay away from dogs-psychological arguments if we ever desire to attain peace in the international. Merry Christmas.


I'm Orthodox and while we don't have vain and Mortal sins like you do
skipping Liturgy is a sin


Since sunday has nothing to do with anything it is irrelevant.

REMEMBER The Sabbath Day and Keep IT Holy.

Read Revelation...those who change the times and laws of G-d, do not follow after her.


There isn't a reason to go in the first place.

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