My girlfriend keeps asking How can she make my deployment go by faster for both of us.?

She keeps asking and I really dont know what to tell her, its kind of bugging me because usually i would know what to say, not to get into perversion but she is making me a calender with pictures of her and us together (not explicit) and also making me one of just her. I told her I really cant think of anything, but I myself would like to know to. if you have any suggestions that would be awesome.


Favorite Answer

She could:
1. Get a job.
2. Volunteer
3. Get involved with a church group
4. Hang out with her friends
5. Spend time with her family

The worst thing she can do is sit around and mope that you're gone.


Keep busy!!!

She has a number of options but you may not. If you have down time be sure to fill it and physical activity is probably the best way. Spending every hour lamenting will not serve either of you very well.


hump alot of dudes