WWYD if some sleezy whore was sexting your BF?

through PM on his FB page? She will post cutesy responses to his posts and status updates publicly, but he left his page up the other day and when I went on the computer to check my messages, I saw he had two messages and opened them. He hasn't responded sexually back, but he hasn't told her to knock it off either. Next time I go to his page and see one of her 'oh so clever' remarks, how can I respond "nicely" but to let her know to back the f*ck off?


Favorite Answer

Why are you blaming her for wanting what you supposedly have? It is your "boyfriend" that is allowing it and even encouraging it by not putting a stop to it. Apparently you are not special enough to him to make him take the necessary action to put a stop to it. Sounds like you are afraid to make him choose because you are not sure where you stand.


tell her that you loved her photos so much that your going to print them out and post them everywhere


He's taken. back off or it's going down.

it worked for me.