does anyone else have to express their dog on a daily basis?
my dog has a spine issue and i have to make her pee everyday, cannot ever leave her, has anyone else gone through this?
'She is happy as a darn clam! we get up everyday and do it, she can walk AGAIN and she pee pee's, who would ever think of putting down the dog when they are so eager to LIVE and love! she is my love of my life! i would NEVER let her suffer, NEVER
Our border collie once slipped a disc in her back and went thru this problem. The vet sent off her blood work to Texas A&M Veterinarian staff and they gave her an experimental treatment which gave her the ability to walk and control her own bowels again. It was VERY pricey but well worth it!
I have a spinal walking paraplegic beagle. I express his bladder 4 times a day, sometimes more. I have taught a friend to do it just in case there is a time I cannot provide the care.