Home Depot Home Repair Classes?

My wife is sick and tired of trying to get me to do drywall repairs in our home. She suggested i check and get her enrolled in a Home Depot class, as she figured that she could learn and it couldn't possibly be that hard. My question is, do you think strategically that would be a good move for me, or would i likely piss her off further /:-)


Favorite Answer

Put her to work, you need a rest. Just never, ever, criticize any of her work no matter what it looks like.

Paul in San Diego2010-12-16T01:40:59Z

I think it's an excellent idea. My wife watches all these home design shows on HGTV and thinks that many of the projects are a snap without really knowing what all goes into it (they take an 8-hour project and condense it into a half hour show). And, when she's actually tried to do some simple things, she found out just how difficult and time-consuming doing home improvement projects can be.

Then again, maybe your wife will really enjoy doing it herself. Then, she can do all the things on the list she keeps giving you, and you can just sit on the couch watching football. It's a win-win situation.


DUDE shes asking YOU not HER To take the class....... omg ...women 101 ......take a class.

next she will have a handy man at your home while your at work ..........you do the math .

its cheaper and easier to learn the small stuff she wants you to do
THAN it is to hire a divorce lawyer so you can spend 20 grand to keep half your stuff ...and drive by and see another mans truck in the driveway ( in the morning , and the motors cold )

You will only get this type of wake up CALL once

Ignore this and you will wish you never did .......BEEN THERE ~~~~~DONE THAT


I would go with her to the class. Its Home Depot, a man's toy store. It will be over quick and maybe she will let you buy some stuff.