An Austrian court agrees that yodeling offends muslims, so there is to be no more? AUSTRIA.

If Muslims in Austria don't like yodeling or find it offensive, then why are they in Austria (pretty much yodeling territory)?

Why do muslims insist everybody bend to their wishes?

It seems as though in Austria, the popular yodel is an insult to Muslims.

An Austrian court has recently fined a citizen for yodeling while mowing his lawn, according to a report in The Kronen Zeitung newspaper.

The citizen, 63-year-old Helmut G., was told by the court that his yodeling offended his next-door Muslim neighbors, who accused him of trying to mock and imitate the call of the Muezzin.


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This has gone too far. Yodeling is part of Austrian CULTURE! How rude is it to move into another country and try and change their traditions? Muslim law like that is only acceptable to be nation wide in traditionally Muslim countries.

This reminds me of people here trying to change the Christmas Tree into the Holiday Tree, or trying to change the currency that we've had for ages and ages.

Pretty soon we're going to have people complaining that shorts are too showy (especially on women), and that offends them. Does this remind anyone of the "It's a Jersey Thing" episode of South Park?


I have seen many Americans come to China and demand things change in China to better suit them. In fact if things don't go America's way in other countries, America sends in the military. I guess America and Muslims have a lot in common being intolerant of other cultures and militant when they don't get their way. Maybe that's why Americans and Muslims dislike each other so much, they always say it's opposites that attract.

PS., he was not fined for yodeling, he was fined for being a public disturbance. This article is simply twisting the story to make Muslims look bad. Big surprise considering the paper. I have to say it would probably be pretty annoying listening to some guy mowing his lawn and yodeling on top of it.


Muslims think that the whole world should bend over backwards to accommodate them. Like the whole Mohammad thing. Do i care if a Muslim is offended by a representation of Mohammad? No. In fact it makes me want to post such things all over the place just out of spite.

If your offended don't look at it. If something cultural in another country offends you, such as in your case, then don't go there. Muslims are worse than Christians about forcing their religion on everybody.They just do it in a different way.

Which is why all religions need to be outlawed as terrorist organizations. Because that is what they are. All they do is spawn hate and misery and false unrealistic hope.

Religion is nothing more than a tool to control the masses.


I rather think ululation by Muslims is probably just as offensive to Austrians. Perhaps the guy with the lawnmower needs a bigger and noisier engine. Then again, they might complain about that too.


An Austrian Court =/= the law-making body of Austria.

Just saying.

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