Has the US Navy joined the global warming conspiracy?
"In terms of climate change impact on missions, the Navy is watching with great interest the changing Arctic environment. September 2007 saw a record low in sea ice extent and the declining trend has continued -- September 2010 was third lowest extent on record and the overall trend has shown an 11.2 percent decline per decade in seasonal ice coverage since satellites were first used to measure the Arctic ice in 1979. Perhaps more significantly, estimates from the University of Washington’s Applied Physics Lab show that the amount of sea ice continues to decrease dramatically. September ice volume was the lowest recorded in 2010 at 78 percent below its 1979 maximum and 70 percent below the mean for the 1979-2009 period. Regardless of changes to sea ice, the Arctic will remain ice covered in the winter through this century and remains a very difficult operating environment." http://democrats.science.house.gov/Media/file/Commdocs/hearings/2010/Energy/17nov/Titley_Testimony.pdf
Jack and Herbert. If you were not so quick to judge, perhaps you would be more adept at recognizing sarcasm. Or maybe not, perhaps sarcasm is just too subtle for you.
Facts Matter2010-12-17T03:20:37Z
Favorite Answer
jack smith: if that's for real about what they tell you in church, more details please! If it is, the church should lose its tax exempt status for crossing the line into poltics.
Of course the US Navy's in on this scam. Along with every government and non-government agency that has looked at the matter, every major learned society, and such hotbeds of alarmunist agitation as the Royal Society (London) and the National Academy of Science (US).
I bet they've recalibrated the Kelvin Scale while they're at it.
And it can't be true that people ever drive species to extinction, because species were going extinct ling before there were people. There IS no warming, and dodos live!
As for jack, herbert; can't blame either you or them, having seen some of the stuff on here. Check out Poe's Law.
Um, hate to say this, but the Arctic ice will always come back each winter as the temperatures drop and the sunlight drop. That being said, we also don't know how much sea ice there was during the Medieval warming period. Finally, coming out of a period known even to the AGW supporters as the Little Ice Age, we could say that the sea ice was at one of it's high points.
That is one of the biggest questions that a lot of us "deniers" have, what was our climate like a thousand years ago. Even the US EPA stated on their website like 2 years ago that we don't have enough information to recreate to the accuracy that the AGW scientists want us to believe.
I'm sure they have. The government is doing everything it can to create a mass hysteria about global warming. Look people, the earth has a cycle that it goes through, and has been going through for many many millenniums. It goes from warmer climates to colder. If this is a 'man made thing' what was causing this to happen before man was even on this planet?
Regarding Jack and Herbert's answers, the problem with satirizing global warming denialism is that most of their claims are so far off the wall, it is hard to parody them without sounding like a bona-fide global warming denialists. Other than their failure to recognize your sarcasm, they are right about global warming not being a conspiracy. Regarding what Christians are supposed to believe about global warming, the worship of oil, coal and SUVs is idolatry. Christians are supposed to accept what science says, because the vast majority of scientists are looking for the truth.