If Nancy Pelosi is so supportive of Unions, why are her hotels and vineyards all non union?

She has hotels worth several million dollars each and vineyards that are worth several million dollars, she employs about 250 people just at one hotel, why doe she not invite the union in to represent her employees?

thestrangedeathofliberalamerica.com/did-you-pay-more-taxes-than-nancy-pelosi.html - Cached - Similar


Favorite Answer

Because unions would demand more money and benefits for said employees. Pelosi is cheap, cunning, greedy and perverse.


She is supportive of other people's hotels and vineyards being unionized. You know the old hypocritical do what I say not what I do deal.

Democrats are special they don't have to go by the laws they make for everyone else.


She doesn't want to pay for her own support. Other people's money is always better.


Liberal replies...

<Crickets Chirping>

Hmmm...guess there are none...


That's pretty crappy....