Festivus for the rest of us has been approved as a religion by a judge in California? Reaction?
The DA told the judge that Seinfeld had made it up, but the judge approved it and determined that prison officials had to respect prisoners' beliefs. http://www.abajournal.com/weekly/article/calif._judge_okd_seinfelds_festivus_as_legitimate_religion_ordered_special_?utm_source=maestro&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=weekly_email
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And people wonder why so many (including myself) thinks that the Justice system in this country is one of the biggest jokes. Just b/c some stupid Hollywood Celebrity said something now all of a sudden it's accepted. Why don't we just have people worshipping Hollywood Celebrites instead of God since that's what so many people do anyway. Lets make special places to worship them.
Festivus makes a lot more sense than Christianity. Since the main purpose of the Constitution is to protect the minority from the majority, refusing a more sensible religion the right to exist would be a bit insane, wouldn't it? (An since religion CAN'T be the law of the US, we HAVE to go with the saner approach.)
California also said that Ebonics was an official language and had teachers learn it until the huge majority of African-Americans people said it was demeaning.