Breastfeeding Problems?
I have been exclusively breastfeeding since my baby was born (she'll be 6 weeks tomorrow). We had some latching trouble initially, so I was using a breastshield. I slowly weaned her from that about a week or so ago, and she did not seem to be having any trouble latching/eating. So I have not been using that at all. I also occasionally pump my milk and have my husband give it to her in a bottle because I do plan to return to work and I want her to be somewhat used to getting a bottle. We've been doing the bottle sometimes since she was around 2 weeks old & she didn't seem to have trouble going back & forth.
The problem: The last few days, she seems to not want to breastfeed. She acts hungry but then will only nurse a few minutes (maybe 5-10) and then she still acts hungry but will cry and scream when I put her to breast. Yesterday she ate poorly all day, but when my husband got home, she did eat 3 oz of breastmilk from a bottle. Today, same thing. Will hardly nurse at all. He tried to give her a bottle from the fridge but she wouldn't take to it-- I pumped a new one and he gave it to her warm & she took right to it!
I think she is only wanting the bottle. How can I reverse this? I still want to be able to nurse her and it's concerning and disappointing to me-- I don't want to have to stop breastfeeding and I don't want to have to pump constantly so she has a bottle. Should I take away the bottle for a while? I don't want her to be hungry!
My mom thinks maybe she could have an ear problem that is causing pain when she sucks. But that doesn't seem right because I don't think she'd take to the bottle. ??