How many times do the people have to remind the government that we do not want amnesty for illegal aliens?

But they still keep pushing for it...


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The current gov't does not care what the American people do or do not want.


I wrote to both of my Senators and presented my case against amnesty for illegals in a right to the point fashion. I pointed out that we didn't have jobs for them or revenues to support them. I also pointed out that since most of them have"minority status" it would be grossly unfair to US citizens who didn't have "minority status" to let them stay. Either end Affirmative Action or forget Amnesty!
One of the Senators sent a generic reply; "Your opinion is important to him...blah, blah, blah." The dickweed probably never read a constituent's letter in his life! The other one started babbling about "anchor babies" and how they were here through no fault of there own.
Of course that means the baby's parents, brothers and sisters and who knows who else get to come here too. And word of this getting around Mexico and Central America in a hurry. If you can manage to sneak into America and have a baby you're set for life. All at the expense of the American working class.
Keep reminding our government that the illegals have got to go, the borders have got to be secured, and if they can't do their job they have to be replaced!


Because the democrats need more voters.

I'm wondering if Congress isn't intentionally trying to piss off the American public so we'll start some kind of revolution against the govt so they can declare Martial Law?

Michelle S2010-12-18T14:49:39Z

Obviously one more time... So get on the phone...

And they don't care about amnesty, there are just trying to get more hispanic vote


Because this is their last chance , if they can't pass the Dream Act, their New World Order is dead! They cannot create that One World Govt any longer.

Lets PRAY they don't pass that DREAM ACT! Its the marxists Dream, not the Americans dream!

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