Ia anyone else getting annoyed with all these questions not related to the soaps?

I haven't been on here in quite a while now and thought I had the wrong category!!


LOL guess you have a point Sassy..


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Yeah, I've started getting really peeved with it. There are more suitable categories but some people are too lazy to even bother looking for one.

& Well, yeah this is to do with soaps because it actually has the word in it, so it's in association with Soap Operas in general, not a particular one. Whereas these idiots who just post random questions under this category have nothing to do with any soap opera or anything to do with a soap operas in general, what so ever!


Yes!! some times I think I'm in the wrong categories!! until I check to see if I am or not..LOL these people don't check to see where their questions are going before they hit that submit button..How did the talk shows get here and when I go to talk shows there are soaps questions over there!! LOL.. I guess we will just have to deal with it..=)


Yes! It's hard enough to get through all the Qs about soaps I don't watch (always wish that they would divide it into sections). It was bad enough when there were all these Qs about other TV shows, but lately their are more and more that are totally unrelated. Idk why people don't check the category where their Q is going- they would get more and better answers in the right section and we wouldn't have to wade through so many more Qs to get to the ones we want.

Brandi G2010-12-22T05:06:59Z

Yeah that is annoying, though worse is the one's that come to our section to bash us for watching soaps.

$UPER $A$$Y *ON HIATUS*2010-12-22T03:45:00Z

That's kind of hypocritical, don't you think?

How is this question related to the soaps (Days, AMC, GH, Y&R, B&B, Eastenders, etc)?

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