Why do some people think the oil companies are responsible for "high" fuel prices?

Don't they know about supply and demand as it applies to commodities? Why are they so quick to blame the most visible target? Is it a sign of a simple mind or what?

Valor D2010-12-21T22:25:55Z

Favorite Answer

The U.S. is one of the cheapest countries in the world to buy gas. Most of the world pays over $5. per gallon. So, people need to wake up and get a reality check on what expensive really is. Maybe stop buying those gas-guzzling pick-up trucks and V-8, V-12 Mammoth sized SUV's, and your gas would go farther!


Because they are engaged in supply manipulation and price fixing. That used to be illegal. But now the corporations own the governments.

I am amused when the Europeans whine about the high prices they pay for fuel. They pay that much because they allow their governments to tax the hell out of them. Europe pays the same amount for a barrel of oil as does the USA. Taxes make the difference at the pump.


How much profit do they need?! I blame them b/c they set the prices. They are taking advantage of people's needs, in order to satisfy their greed for money and power. It's an international crime. It's been going on for more than fifty years now.

BTW, most Americans drive cars, not SUVs. Duh! In Europe everything is close together, not so in the US. Look at a map. We use more gas b/c we NEED more gas to commute to work. The arabs are running the show, so we've let them get away with murder. Literally. I'm thinking of the ultra-rich Saudi princes. They are rolling in dough! So I ask: why do they need so much profit? Why shouldn't I scorn them?


Well obviously you haven't traveled much but I can tell you this,...it must be illegal to pump oil out of the ground anymore because I've traveled from coast to coast and being from Texas, knowing oil attorneys and so forth, those lawyers tell me that the Govt. has put a stop to our pumping any oil out of the ground anymore exfcept for offshore rigs and for old "workover rigs on land"(old wells which can be deepened and re-fracked )....supposedly the USA has another hundred years of oil right here inside out own wells at rock bottom prices if you'll pardon the pun.....and even more unexplored oil that we know of and reserves we haven't even found yet but we know is there.....So this is all for the money. So we have "war as money, food as money, housing as money, unemployment as money, lies as money and a huge "probably untrue deficit as money " for the lies we're living within and atop of as our reason for being tax payers. Now, what if we all just stopped paying taxes or buiyng oil or food or paying rent or fighting war for 3 days respectively.......it would kill big business, oil and all our banks and send a message to the Govt that sez, "hey Govt. we're still in charge here"......of course that'll never happen but..."what if?"


Here in the UK we pay for petrol by the litre. Currently it's around £1.23p per litre. I've no idea how this translates into US dollars per gallon but you can bet we're paying top whack due to the greed of these oil companies.

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