Do LDS members have to agree to eternal polygamy in their heaven (aka celestial kingdom)?
I was told they don't, by an LDS missionary telling me about the LDS/Mormon church.
But a Mormon friend of mine who is a lifelong member of the church, insists that LDS do in fact believe and require this of all faithful Mormons. It is what the LDS phrases, Forever Families and Eternal Marriage, explicitly refer to.
My friend said all missionaries should tell all potential converts this information BEFORE the person is baptized as LDS. He said he knows it isn't always done that way by LDS and he disagrees with that.
He said if a missionary does not do so before the baptism, it's because his LDS church leaders specifically told him not to tell it OR the missionary himself does not know that the church requires its members to practice polygamy in heaven.
I don't understand how a church can let a missionary convert people, without knowing something like that, or if he does know, to ask him to lie about it. My friend said they don't see it as a lie, because they do eventually tell their members about it.
He also said this is a real problem for faithful Mormons, too, but he couldn't talk about it with me anymore; as I am a non-LDS member, he risked excommunication from his church simply by having shared what he did with me.
I am an atheist and do not believe in any doctrine of any church; I do believe in honesty and truth, however, and this is my problem with everything being done and said by everyone concerned here.
As a result of all this, I have been looking into it on my own. I have done much searching in the library, talking face to face with Mormons, non-Mormons, former-Mormons, and anti-Mormons, reading Mormon books online, etc, as well as looking a lot of stuff up online.
I have come to the conclusion that the LDS missionary is wrong, and my friend is right.
Can anyone confirm for me that:
Faithful Mormons in the mainstream LDS church, must practice polygamy in heaven. They cannot do it on Earth anymore, but in heaven it is expected of them, in perpetuity. Men must marry mutiple wives; women must keep having babies with their one husband, while there.
The kids they have together then leave their mom and dad's planet, and once married, get their own planet, for their own family to grow up on. Then their kids do the same, and so on, and so on, and so on. Everybody gets their own home planet, and all these planets are what Christian heaven actually is.
Non-Mormons cannot exist in this celestial kingdom, as it is reserved for Mormons only; other Christians get to go to "normal heaven" where they stay forever as spirits, not real people. The Mormons in the Mormon heaven, however, are actual physical people, they just live forever because they are Gods with God-like powers once they die, and they become immortal.
I know for a fact that my recently converted friends, an extremely devout married couple, professionals both, would resign from the Mormon church and RUN as fast as they could in the opposite direction, if that or any part of it is true.
For that reason, if I do find that the above is true, I will need to make a decision about whther or not to tell them. I am leaning toward not, at least not right away.
I am, however, telling everyone else I know what I have discovered, and sending them links at their request, to the LDS info which states the above.
Plus, I am posting this here, and also engaging in online discussions with Mormons and non Mormons on the subject, and have been doing so for some time. As a non-LDS member, I believe I am ok in doing so, as I have never made a promise to anyone to keep this info a secret.
I did find that polygamy is still practiced on Earth, openly, in breakaway sects of the LDS church in AZ, UT, ID, Mexico and Canada. I also know that the mainstream Mormon church agreed to stop practicing polygamy back in 1890, so that Utah could gain statehood; thus currently, the LDS church excommunicates any of its members who try to practice this rule here on Earth.
But polygamy on earth is not my concern here, though I do disagree with it in all forms; polygamy in heaven is, and I do really want to know, yes, or no. True or False. Do LDS members have to agree to eternal polygamy in their heaven, the celestial kingdom?
Please provide links to the sources for your answers.