How come I have a lot of belly fat, but still have small boobs?

I really wouldn't mind the belly fat if I ATLEAST had the boobs to match! Im only a size B, I used to be a D but I lost some weight, then gained it back but only in my tummy.
I also have a huge butt and thighs :( Help!


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Pear shaped genes. Sorry babe. I have always had small boobs until I got my implants. If I gain weight, some will be on my boobs, but not much.

I believe that's pretty common. Boobs are the last place you gain fat and the first you lose it from. I think it might even be 'brown fat' on those areas, which is what babies have. It's a fat that is quickly utilized by the body.

Just wear push up bras or bras with chicken fillets (silicone boosters). They make great gel or water bras these days also, which can enhance up to a full cup size.


Don't eat so much, cut down on your portion size and quit stretching your your belly. The boobs will probably come back later but your size is all programmed in your genes.


when you lose weight, you typically start at the boobs or midsection. But in your case it would seem as if you gain weight in you tummy / thighs before you do in your boobs. the best advice i would give is to try to lose enough weigh to even out your body proportions if its really bothering you.


Genes...if you want remove all sugars, starches and dairy from your diet.