Right, I need to use alt codes on my laptop. My laptop does not have a numpad, but also doesn't even have a numlock key, so I can't just hold fn+alt and use MJKLUIO789.
I tried the on screen keyboard too, but it only allows me to do one character alt codes, such as ALT+1, but not ALT+1+2+3 in the same string. (I think it's just because of the new windows 7 OSK)
So what can I do?
Favorite Answer
For laptops, You have to use the Fn + Alt keys together and the number keypad is the numbers on certain dedicated letters keys. Check your Help for your laptop to show which key engages and locks the Fn (Number Pad) on or see: How to Use the Numeric Keypad on Your Laptop - http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-use-the-numeric-keypad-on-your-laptop.navId-323008.html
How to Type Symbols Using the ALT Key: http://www.wikihow.com/Type-Symbols-Using-the-ALT-Key
RE: How to use ALT codes on a laptop? Right, I need to use alt codes on my laptop. My laptop does not have a numpad, but also doesn't even have a numlock key, so I can't just hold fn+alt and use MJKLUIO789.
I tried the on screen keyboard too, but it only allows me to do one character alt codes, such as ALT+1, but not...