is this due to teething?

hi my baby is 7 and a half months old and she has successfully had a bottle at bedtime since 4 weeks. she has also been on formula in the daytime since 5 months old and had no problems with the bottle.

she is fully weaned. she has not been eating well this week or last but was ok on her milk, but now REFUSES a bottle of milk whether expressed or formula.. she just wants to breastfeed but i dont want her to as i had pretty much stopped and was ready to stop. i also dont have a very high supply. i had just been giving a morning breastfeed and expressing her bedtime bottle (6-7ozs).
Why would she just suddenly refuse milk bottles? she will take water ok at meals from bottles but if i sit her down to give her a bottle of milk (expressed or her usual formula) she wont even taste it she arches her back and screams. really doesnt want it. i find myself getting very frustrated with her and i dont know what to do.
i have been breastfeeding her but i really would rather stop and go back to bottles and formula.
i should add that she has also 'unlearned' how to settle herself to sleep and i have to give a dummy. i think this must be due to teething? she has been to the dr there is no sign of fever or infection they think its nothing.


Its teething. yes . she has her top two teeth cutting through.

i did mention that she was rejecting MILK and taking bottles for water so changing teats would be rather silly wouldnt it?


Favorite Answer

Sorry Katharine but I have no advice on the bottle probs but I can help with the 'unlearning' to fall asleep thing coz this happened to us too. Check out this link and read all about 'verbal reassurance' worked a charm with our wee girl, all the best :)

Niya D2010-12-25T17:46:00Z

try different nipple for the bottle. get one really small and one very large