What was your kids favorite Christmas gift?

♥ What was your child/rens favorite Christmas gift and how old are they?

My 3 oldest daughters are 4 and 5 and there favorite is there new American girl dolls they have played with them ALL day.
My three youngest girls their favorite things Aali loved her shopping cart and her bitty baby and Harli liked her little people house and Shayla liked her little stuffed minnie mouse and minnie mouse sippy cup
My little boy is a year old and he loved his new car seat even took a nap in it and he played with lots of toys but mostly the weebles musical treehouse

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas!


Favorite Answer

my daughter absolutely loved her new american girl doll. and my son wont stop playing with this new etch- a - sketch thing
and merry christmas to u too!!


A doll that talked. It was a lifesize, about 25 inches or so, toddler looking. It said 10 phrases, went to sleep if not played with, asked for a bottle etcI loved it. I was like 5 or 6. I also got this little garfield stuffed toy that I slept with for years. Apart from those two I dont really remember what I got for christmas, and I used to get a lot of stuff. Goes to show you that its not the stuff that matters, kids dont remember it, its the time and things we did together that I remember, picking the always live tree ( most times actually cutting it down) the christmas dinner, baking gingerbread houses etc

tamara k ♥ her family2010-12-25T19:49:24Z

My 20 month old LOVES his new trucks, he got several tonka and CAT trucks for Christmas and he LOVES them! He's been tearing around the yard with them all day- this means I've had to strip him down because I am getting sick of doing a complete outfit change every time he comes inside due to the muddy conditions outside (we're not going anywhere so I don't see a problem with him being black with mud for a couple of hours).

When he's not playing with the trucks he's watching his Daddy on the Wii that was supposed to be MY Christmas present. Not that it bothers me- I can do Wii Fit while hubby is sleeping or working and that's the only reason I wanted the Wii!


Oh don't ask..haha! After spending a LOT of money on my 2 year old monster, getting him lots of presents like toddler quad bike, wooden train set, mini play kitchen and a whole lot of other lovely presents..He decided he wanted to play ALL DAY with a cheap police car we got him as one of his 'little' gifts..After he'd opened that, he lost interest in everything else :D Typical haha :P Funny little dude..I know what to get for his birthday now.. another 'nee naw' lol!


My 2 1/2 year old daughter loved her Ni hao Kai Lan doll, and her V reader I heard them both all day.

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