Do you think we should start buying more crank up products?

I'm at a point now where with climate change and reducing energy usage, manual, do-it-yourself cranking products are becoming attractive to me. I have no clue how I did not grow up with them in the first place! I'm talking products like manual crank-up coffee grinder, wind-up radio/cell phone charger, hand crank paper shredder, hand crank meat mixers, ice cream makers, etc. These things are great since they can be used anywhere, eco-friendly and it's cheap/affordable. Anybody else out there a big fan of anything hand crank or want to add something to the list of products?

CONTROL FREAK2010-12-26T10:26:29Z

Favorite Answer

global warming or not i am for anything that reduces my Electric bill, and makes me comfortable when there is a power outage...... yes lets see more crank type products.

Light Knight2010-12-29T11:21:40Z

Hand Crank Clothes Washer!.- This is a Biggie
In many homes the washier and dryer use a large % of power.
This is energy resources that literally go down the drain.
Hand powered washing saves that energy.
Using the gray water from the rinse for the toilet saves water.
Hanging the laundry up instead of power drying saves even more energy.

A side-note to savings: Doing smaller loads more often rather than waiting for enough dirty cloths of the same color for a full sized load, keeps the hamper from flowing over. It also has allowed me to downsize the pairs of sports socks and skives I need.
These are also good for camping trips or for rinsing the chlorine out of swimsuits.


I admire your zeal :) it is an interesting idea. i often wonder how we could incorporate older technology to run our world as it used to. I'm not saying we should go back to riding horse and buggies, but things such as passive solar energy tickle my fancy. My nephew just got a new toy for Christmas, a Thomas the Tank Engine, which has no batteries and when you push it a light turns on and it makes noises. there are also cell phones that are powered by the vibrations of your voice when you use it. it requires no batteries whatsoever.


Relax, the "climate change" you worry about is not going to occur. The natural cycles are merely running their course.

You should ask yourself why should you go to such extreme measures when people like Al Gore do not? The answer is simple if you follow the money- He is profiting off of your acceptance of his claims. If climate science is so good- why are your local weather forecasts so far off? Because the models are incomplete. and always have been.

Look at who profits from any of those promoting agenda- it would not likely be you unless you invented something truly innovative, in which case you would jump on the bandwagon to help seel your product.


Captain Obvious to the rescue: check the engine! Make sure it has fuel, isn't gummed up, isn't bent, twisted, missing a piece, all that. Usually the first two solve it, but you might be in for some dirty mech work.

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