Universal pre-k/What states offer it?
What states have universal pre-k?
Is universal pre-k the same thing as head start?
Can you make as much as a "normal"teacher?
What states have universal pre-k?
Is universal pre-k the same thing as head start?
Can you make as much as a "normal"teacher?
Favorite Answer
Very few states have universal preschool, very few cities have it. As far as I know Los Angeles Universal Preschool is one of the pioneers. North Carolina has one of the most advanced ways of viewing early child studies. Universal pre-k in its concept is different from Head Start as it is not based on income and family size. The premise of Universal preschool actually is based on the foreign model that all children are deserving of a free quality education as early as preschool. State preschool, head start, and universal preschool teachers make generally more money than private non subsidized EEC professionals but there are strides to be made to give preschool professionals the same recognition and pay scale as k-12 teachers.
Georgia and Oklahoma. You make a bit less, especially in Georgia since day care centers tend to offer the preK. Now, if you teach in a public school preK, then expect beter pay comparable to the 'regular teachers'. Hmmm ...... waiting for the day that state preK teachers are recognized as a 'real' teacher' :)