Break up effects and how to break away?

A little over a month ago my now ex-boyfriend broke up with me. He was the first guy who I could truly say I loved and still do. His reason was that he needed to get closer to God. Yes, he has been pretty much hated for breaking up with me in that way but honestly I can kind of understand. I tried my hardest to argue it out but ultimately felt bad. It was like me vs. God. Fighting a lost battle. Even saying we could both get close to God together. He's totally cut me out of his life and it has been killing me. I still remember all the important dates and I think about him everyday. Its kinda like torture. Every guy I talk to make me feel awkward. Its like I don't even wanna talk to guys at all. I guess my question is how can I break all of this? I'm tired of feeling awkward all the time, thinking about him everyday... I've tried fighting so hard but nothing completely pays off.


Favorite Answer

I normally don't say this but in this case, you shouldn't give up on him too fast. I believe in God so from what I gather is that he needs time to get close to God. When he does, I don't see any reason why you cannot be part of his life too. Yes God should be first but he also said we should have a companion in our life. (You) Just give him time. If worst comes to worst, I once loved someone and knew later that it wouldn't work. How I got over it was to stay busy and TIME. Time heals. Don't get me wrong, I was upset at times but it was those two things that helped me get over someone I loved so much.


There will always be overs!
dont hate him, you dont need him,dont even think about the past..untill your happy again.
Change something significant in your life..
Hair colour,clothes.. anything you want.
You will feel a changed person ready to start fresh
Be confident and think of all the good things in life..Socialise in coffee bars and just be happy..
You will forget about him in know time
when someone upset me id just change something about myself..and it works everytime..bag,hair colour,haircut etc..
You will feel great!!!!
Hope I helped