What little house on the prairie episode was it where...?

The one where Mary had a job copying music for a composer who was addicted to morphine.


Apparently Albert's morphine addiction came in the later seasons. In the earlier seasons, before Mary went blind she had a job working for a morphine addict. It was just one episode.

Searching for "little house on the prairie morphine episode" on YouTube just brings up things about Albert.


Favorite Answer

"Soldier's Return", Season 2, Episode 21.


Coming home after 12 years of performing with a busy Philadelphia orchestra, Mrs. Whipple's troubled son, Granville, hopes that the peace of Walnut Grove will help him shake the nightmares and the morphine addiction that resulted from an incident during the Civil War Battle of Shiloh.

JJ Marie2010-12-26T20:03:53Z

I thought Albert was the one addicted to morphine.... Write back soon ok?? i LOVE that show